Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Re: What is this?

Hi Laura, 

I think you got the email address wrong. I probably don't know you. I'm sorry about that.

Ryan Wong

On Wednesday, May 20, 2015, Laura Griswold <> wrote:
Dear Bloggettes,

This is my first missive from Isle sur Sorgue, a very, very small village in Provence, on a tiny island created by the river.

Many small canals criss-cross the island punctuated by large water wheels now covered with draping florescent green moss.

Having arrived (SFO-Newark-Paris-Marseille) Thursday afternoon. this is my first day out and about.

Now, you know where I am so the answer is obvious that there is no prize.

How ever, outside we are witnessing a weather pattern unique-to-Provence that causes temperatures drop dramatically.  When it occurs in the winter,  it keeps people inside for days at a time;  I once owned a small (12') sailboat with this name; and today we saw ducklings being blown down a narrow canal by this weather phenomenon. What is this?
(Scroll down for answer)

Ryan Wong


Unknown said...

The answwer is that it is a Mistral that blows through.

Cheers, Otto & Betty

Laura said...

To Ryan Wong: I am the admin for Laura's blog. I cannot tell if the settings are sending you a notice because I don't know your email. If you continue to get notices, please advise and we'll figure out how to stop them.