Sunday, October 13, 2013

Just checking to see if this will work...

...HI! Out from the desert, and in southern Morocco, en route to Marakech...


Rambles from the Road

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Awfully Quiet

Just in case you were wondering, Laura is still in Morocco and obviously has no wifi connectivity.  I did get one email that simply said her passport disappeared on the plane and they made her fly back to Paris to get a new one. So she did. Here is hoping she is having a great time!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Early morning walk... Chefchaouen (northeast Morocco), a town perched in the mountains and the heart of a most beautiful area. I am glad I didn't read before leaving...every day is full of unexpected beauty and learning about this fascinating land. The blue paint is lime with blue, hand-painted to maintain its beauty and uniqueness.


After an unexpected trip to Paris to replace a lost passport, I arrived here last Monday. The intervening days have each been spectacular in their own unique way, reflecting the excitement of this country.

I will catch up with blog if this goes through...

Fingers crossed,
