Home sweet home it is.
Beginning to lag,
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from my iPhone
Location:Farm Rd,Los Altos,United States
Location:Farm Rd,Los Altos,United States
The hours are few before I get up to catch a 5:40 am train to a bus to Heathrow...and next stop?...SFO.
What a month this has been, complete with the icing on the cake--time in Cornwell with Bill and Alison...filled with friendship, food and fascinating activities culminating with a beautiful cycling trip and lunch in a seaside cafe. Plus an elegant dinner with friends of B&A. Yes, I have been spoiled.
My breast-plate removed, I head home with soul-filling memories and a sense of having bridged to a new and challenging chapter in my journey on this exciting planet.
Ciao bella,
With a toothpick you remove the flap and proceed to remove the tiny winkle -- the game is to remove it in it's entirety. While I choose to think I was a worthy opponent ... (see next posting)
Kudos to Chef Dr. Bill and Sous-chef Alison Smith.
This is a most elegant little cafe...no, it really isn't ALL about the eating!
Thoughts of returning home are beginning to seep into my brain....
The game is to try to remove the critter in its entirety...well, while I'd like to consider myself a serious contender in this "war", the winner was... (see next blog post)....
Each plate depicts a different creature from the sea and a most capricious description of that creature.
It is as lush and dense as it appears punctuated with very large hay fields on a hilly terrain. Most beautiful.
The variety and quality of the whole thing was mind/blowing.
A totally unique experience!
Poking around the environs of Florence tomorrow and then onto UK Tuesday.
A Saturday morning here is like participating in a sit-com without words as I do not understand Italian...a conversation generated (on my side) with charade-like gestures.
We've rehearsed...fun...and we are last on the program. We head to Cortona at noon!
An exciting organ concert rounded out a rainy afternoon...at one point I expected a lion to come charging down the aisle...it was a very unique musical experience.
Tomorrow off to Tuscany and Chapter 4.
Ciao bella,
While journaling on return to Rome, I realized (with a little distance) what a really great and interesting few days we had enjoyed...a hotel fashioned from a series of medieval caves? Gelato, truffles, ancient olive trees with sculpted trunks...yes! And more to come...